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Observe. Development of an embryo

The photos show the development of a chicken embryo. The embryo develops until it becomes a chick. It then hatches from the egg. At 5 days, there are thin red blood vessels that extend from the embryo, throughout the yolk. What are these blood vessels for? At 10 days, the yolk only occupies part of the inside of the egg. Now parts of the body of the developing chick can be identified. [...]

  • Idioma:

    • Inglés
  • Formato:


Recurso educativo

Cursos y asignaturas

  • 10 años:
    • Sociología
    • Biología
  • 11 años:
    • Sociología
    • Biología

Tipo de recurso

  • Interactivo
  • Ejercicio

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